This book met the purpose of my trip to Kinokuniya: that is, to find something with real-life and up-to-date applications of economic principles. The primary user is Krystle though I have to read to vet its suitability for her. [Not bad that she scored A for Econs in the first term and is already tutoring her classmates] From 'Introduction' to chapter 1 - so far so good. Interesting illustrations from coffee chains [oh! the draw of caffeine - even in words!] to the mafia, marginal costs and barriers to entry seem like the steam of a hot cuppa in my hands. Savouring it slowly... going onto chapter two...
Where you can get it: Kinokuniya S$18.14; NLB
Level of impact: still reading and discovering
Timing of book: hoping this is better than 'Armchair Economist'